People painting an Easterseals sign

More Than Words

Part 1 of 3

Language is constantly evolving and keeping up with it can be challenging and confusing. Open Door invites you to learn the meaning to some of the most commonly heard words when talking about the LGBTQIA2S+ community. You can also get tips on how to best support anyone who uses Easterseals Southern California Services and identifies as part of the LGBTQIA2S+ community. 

Click for more

a pen writing on paper


Additional Resources

person wearing gay pride wristbands giving a thumbs up against a blue sky


We asked self-advocates what self-determination means to them; this is what they told us!

Self-Determination: "Dignity of Risk."

Learning to Find Dignity in Risk

Every person has the right to take a risk whether it be financial, emotional or physical. Paul Pritchard’s story is a powerful reminder of the strength and potential within each of us.

Learning to find dignity in risk | Paul Pritchard | TEDxHobart

A Personal Perspective on Person-Centered Fundamentals

Rights, respect and having control of one’s own life are key to person-centered practices and planning. Liz Grigsby describes how this starts with listening to each individual and shares a personal story of how assumptions about others’ disabilities can get in the way.

A Personal Perspective on Person-Centered Fundamentals

Howard McBroom Activist, Advocate and Public Speaker

Why are person-centered services so important?

Listen to Howard’s powerful statement in this video.

Person-Centered Fundamentals Are Basic Human Rights

What is Duty of Care? Duty of Care vs Dignity of Risk

Every day, workers in human services in Australia are faced with decisions where Duty of Care seems to apply. This video examines the vital differences between duty of care and dignity of risk. Emi Golding, Director of Psychology for the Workplace Mental Health Institute, explains when each applies and what to do about it. Enjoy!

What is Duty of Care? Duty of Care vs Dignity of Risk

Person-Centered Boot Camp Resources

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Person-Centered Planning Checklist

Complete this checklist while supporting an individual during the planning process or use it as a self-review after the process is completed. Mark each item that reflects the CURRENT process used. Do not mark items that “should” be done or that the team “intends” to do.


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Ableism Tally Sheet

Awareness is the first step to creating change. Begin to develop awareness of how disability is spoken about at work and at home. Is disability spoken about as a positive, negative, or neutral factor in someone’s life? You can use this sheet to tally your observations.


Presuming Competence 

This video discusses presuming competence of people with disabilities, which competence means believing people are capable and that they do understand you even if they don't outwardly show you that they do. 

What Do You See? 

Do you see a very limited autistic person?


Recursos en español

Rompiendo Barreras

Respect ability: Consejos de Madre a Madre

Guía de Lenguaje Inclusivo Para Personas con Discapacidades 

Toma Accion Para La Salud Mental

Guia de Planificación del Plan de Programa Individual (IPP). Aprenda sus derechos, es su vida usted se conoce mejor que nadie.


Mitos de la discapacidad intelectual

Es importante desplazar la visión de la discapacidad como una situación de pérdidas o de dificultades y afirmar en su lugar una visión positiva, de posibilidades, de oportunidades que las personas tienen y pueden desarrollar, siempre que cuenten con los apoyos necesarios.

Fundación MAPFRE

Mitos de la discapacidad intelectual - Escuela de Familias y Discapacidad

Cambiando Vidas meets on the second, third,and fourth Tuesdays of every month, and provides a critical space for immigrants with disabilities to come together, organize, and effect change. Learn more about Cambiando Vidas

Cambiando Vidas meetings are conducted in Spanish. Interpreters are provided. Contact Alma Olavarría Gallegos with questions, accommodation requests, or to get more information. 

Discapacidades Intelectuales: Parent Center Hub recursos ​

Monthly Meeting Schedule: 

  • Second Tuesdays: 3-5pm (May 9th) 
  • Third Tuesdays: 1-3pm (May 16th) 
  • Fourth Tuesdays: 3-5pm (May 23rd) 

DDS Department of Developmental Services

Development Tools

Casual Ableist Language [CC]

Plain - Mary Dash’s Writing TipsMary Dash, Chief of the Congressional Correspondence and Quality Review Branch of the Internet Revenue Service, wrote these excellent writing tips. Disability Etiquette: Basic Tips, Do’s and Don’ts 

Tedx Talks – Chris Klein – Seeing Unique Abilities

Parenting Black Children (PBC): a project of Access Nonprofit Center, is a team of parents, special education teachers, social work interns, disability advocates, church ministers, foster-care advocates, and others who have dedicated time to help to increase awareness, outreach, and education of developmental disabilities, mental health, and special education resources.

People with Disabilities’ Bill of Rights

Empowerment for Latinas with Disabilities and Their Allies

Understanding the Importance of Disability Advocacy: Disability advocacy speaks to the fundamental needs, rights and interests of people with disability. Advocacy is important because your voice is important. Be heard.

10 Tips For Communicating with People with Disabilities: Tips to help you avoid feeling uncomfortable when speaking to or about people with disabilities